Friday, February 27, 2009



Crews: NSA and BLM

Meaning of Crew Names: never say anything, blood land money krew

Where did you originate from: Santa Barbara

How long have you been writing: since 2005

Reason for writing: I love art and the world is my canvas

Gettaway Stories: One time while painting freights in Anaheim I got attacked by a bum and had to run from him, but he was drunk so it was easy. Never been chased by cops really... guess im a ninja...

Where did you get your name: I wanted to write PRAE but I saw a freight roll by one day and it said PRAE on it unfortunately and it had mad style so I gave up that name and swiched the A and the E and came up with PREA and I have been writing it for a couple years now.

How did you get into Graffiti: I always saw it when I was a kid and I figured it was cool and so one day I decided to start sketching and I got a few friends to get into it with me and now I feel like im addicted too it.

When you paint are you into quantity or quality: I would deffinetly say quality...nothing beats a sick piece.

Favorite kind of paint: Montana and Rustoleum

Caps: Rusto Fats and NY Fats

Favorite Writer: umm probably got mad style and ups

Well this has been an interview with PREA dont ask who he is because i dont even know...and he threatened to stab me if i told anyone.

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