Friday, February 27, 2009



Crews: NSA and BLM

Meaning of Crew Names: never say anything, blood land money krew

Where did you originate from: Santa Barbara

How long have you been writing: since 2005

Reason for writing: I love art and the world is my canvas

Gettaway Stories: One time while painting freights in Anaheim I got attacked by a bum and had to run from him, but he was drunk so it was easy. Never been chased by cops really... guess im a ninja...

Where did you get your name: I wanted to write PRAE but I saw a freight roll by one day and it said PRAE on it unfortunately and it had mad style so I gave up that name and swiched the A and the E and came up with PREA and I have been writing it for a couple years now.

How did you get into Graffiti: I always saw it when I was a kid and I figured it was cool and so one day I decided to start sketching and I got a few friends to get into it with me and now I feel like im addicted too it.

When you paint are you into quantity or quality: I would deffinetly say quality...nothing beats a sick piece.

Favorite kind of paint: Montana and Rustoleum

Caps: Rusto Fats and NY Fats

Favorite Writer: umm probably got mad style and ups

Well this has been an interview with PREA dont ask who he is because i dont even know...and he threatened to stab me if i told anyone.
CARLS's JR!!!!!!!!!

Hey Guys, This is Juany, it's been awhile since i gotten on and updated the blog, since i had a lot on my plate. Well it's been a hectic situation kind of life. Anyways, i want to say, this blog is not dead and nor will it ever die, since it has lived for the last 3 years. I have gotten more videos to show everyone, actually i have made about like about 30 of these videos, thanks to your encourage to whoever ever has read this blog, and has come up to me and said nice things about what i have putten up or what i should do next. I always enjoy hearing everyone's comments on what to do next and all.
As you all should know, i have grown. I am now a little more wiser, a little more bolder, a little more stupid, and a little more random. But who cares right? Cause no matter what, i am still me and you all are still getting the Juany At Sea experience, you should all get when you visit my blog.
I have done lots of things i am excited to tell you about, on my summer break, and in my first semester of school, if i hadn't already told you stories of wild adventures, I glad to say, I am Back.
And i will stay on this blog until the rapture comes and all will ascend to heaven. and if you don't know this is how it is going to look like.

Well everyone this is Juany Signing out for today or maybe for the time.
-Juany's Sea Adventures