Tuesday, November 27, 2007
so my dogs got loose awhile ago and they been gone for like a hour already so i went to go look for them and i finally found them at saint joseph's and they were running like crazy so i ran towards them and they ran away from me so i ran faster and caught up to my big dog and dove for him but he turned and i fell hard
then i saw my small white dog running but i reached her and in time and picked her up and my big dog started coming back for my small white dog and then i grabbed them both and they were biting me to let them go but i still didn't let go
Good thing my dad showed up in his car and came and helped
So everything got fixed but now i got two really bloody hands so i don't think i will be writting much tonight like it hurts so bad
But i got my dogs home safe
that's what i really care so even if i have bloody hands right now it's ok as long as my dogs are ok
but it's really weird
And i am super tired right now
and my dogs don't understand why i am not petting them so yea all well that ends well
i don't have pictures of my hands since i been washing them but trust me it is really bloody
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Juan Martinez
English 9 H, Per.3
Chapter 1
Zerit the Warrior
In the land of Rome in the year 121 B.C. there lived a man name Zerit. He was the one of the noblest kinds of people. He was a tall skinny man with the mind of an elder. He is one of the youngest men in the city of Rome who has proven of being worthy of a man to the emperor. As he has fought lions, beasts, and monsters from different lands. No one has ever thought of doing anything to him as he is not one to harm. He will fight in any fight that could help his city or if anyone is at harms way.
One morning Zerit was on his way to the field so he could hunt for his dinner that night. He only brought his knife and bow. Hunting for food as wildly as he can and as quietly as he could not one animal was found. He was about to give up when right when he got up he spotted a beast he has never seen before. He only got one shot to kill it or else it will run away. He grabbed his bow and arrow and started stretching it back. Holding his breath in so he could stay still and have better aim. Then looks through the arrow to aim and then let go. At the very moment he let go of the arrow the beast got up and before the beast did anything he was shot in the side and was taken down.
Once Zerit saw his prey fell he ran towards the beast with his knife to get what Zerit thought he deserves. Once the beast was taken out he tied it up to take home. It was already night for he has been out hunting the whole day. On his way home he saw a light. A light that would change his world.
Chapter 2
Knowing the quest
Zerit looking in awe at the light as it was getting brighter and brighter. "Zerit it is I Zeus the God of Thunder, and God of all Gods." said the light. Zerit amazed that the light he is looking at is Zeus. Standing in awe Zerit said, "Zeus, is it really Zeus? Why have you come to me?" "I have come to tell you of your quest to fulfill and the trials you will face," said Zeus. "Why me Zeus? Why did you choose me? I can't be of any help to the Gods I am to young to face the trials the Gods will make me face," said Zerit. Zeus growing with anger at the response Zerit has told him said, "Now Zerit if the Gods think you are to young for the trials you about to face then we wouldn't have chosen you, now let me tell you in these trials you will cross the seas and fight the fierce Medusa. Only you could do this for you have the experience of battle and have the knowledge of an elder who has traveled. You will not be alone for the Gods will aid you on your quest to face these battles. Now do you feel are up to the challenge of going on this quest.", said Zeus.
With all this to take in all Zerit could think of was why me and this challenge will lead to my death could I really face these. With all this to think about Zerit said, "Zeus give me 2 days to think about this quest and if I refuse you have to find someone else to do this and if I accept I would face these challenges." Zeus responded by saying, "Ok only two days then I will come back and visit you again." As easily as Zeus appeared he disappeared. Now only Zerit was left alone to think and think. Carrying his dinner home and thinking about what is yet to come in his near future. Only two more days till Zeus comes back and Zerit has to face his fate.
Chapter 3
Friends to come and serve
Two days have passed since the meeting with Zeus and Zerit was filled with courage to tell Zeus his choice. Passing his day with meetings of friends and relatives with neither of them knowing why he is meeting with them at all. Relatives' getting sadder with no idea what Zerit is planning to do. Friends wanting to know everything that is going on but aren't getting told. Once finished talking to his friends and relatives' and saying goodbye the only thing left in all of them is mystery. Walking alone to the field that fate has made him go to not knowing anything to come Zerit finds himself in a situation that is going to change the whole way he lives. While Zerit is doing all this thinking he doesn't realize that some people are following him to the field in secret. Once arriving at the field waiting Zerit sits down and waits and the moment he sits the bright light that means the time to grow from his once familiar ways to a vast new world.
"Zerit I see you have come to tell me what you have decided to do," said Zeus. "Yes I have decided to follow the quest you have given me and complete it as soon as I can," said Zerit kneeling down on his knee. "Good and I guess those people behind you in the bushes are you company that will help you?" said Zeus. Puzzled at what Zeus said Zerit looked behind him and got out his knife and ran to the bushes. He was ready to attack but once he saw it was he stopped and put his knife away. It was Eris, Lix, and Ren. Zerit shocked that they followed him and asked "What are you doing here why did you follow me?" The only thing that came out of the group's mouth was " We are going on this quest together we are not sending you alone, we know how bad you are, you get angry easily, you can't start fires without help, you can barley keep yourself alive in fights!" Hearing this Zerit gave up and said "Fine come along but I can't give you my word on your safety." With that said they all got a group and asked Zeus where they where to go. Zeus just said head north and find the city of lost melodies. Not knowing what Zeus was talking about and never hearing of such a city they asked is there even such a city and how will they know it's that city. Zeus said "I will tell you when you arrive but head north until I tell you where you are."
With that they left and the light they saw was dimming from the sky again. Now knowing their quest they left to pack and know they will face the trials of the Gods.
Chapter 4
Leaving the known and entering the Melodies
In the morning before anyone got up the team of four met at the shopping court of Rome. Zerit packed with herbs, bow, and sword. Ren packed with her staff, sword, and camping tools. Eris was packed with tents, food supplies, and swords. While Lix was packed with an armored chest plate, golden greaves, and shield with a sword. Now with all their supplies all of them faced each other and did the last thing they could do and say goodbye to the lives they once knew. Leaving the north gates of Rome and walking out to the field of unknown creatures. Now the only thing to pass right now is a mountain which is the only thing being tossed in their way. Now a journey is found and the old is no longer in their worlds. Soon they will face the fact of what is to come. Ready to face death and no longer intact with their old selves.
Chapter 5
The first trial to face
Cold and tried covered by dirt from the face to the legs. The mountain is harder to climb then they thought. Ren on top of the edge looking for shelter and spotted a cave. Once everyone came up from the climb they enter the cave to check for any wild boars or anything that seems to be about of any harm. After checking the cave no one was found or any animal was found. Setting up the tent and getting their food out for the night and get their beds ready, this was all that was left in the day. While everyone is sleeping not knowing that there is a group following them to try to kill them. Zerit waking up to only ready his battle skills. Sees shadows, formless shadows that comes from outside the cave. Finally realizing this he got Ren, Eris, and Lix up from their deep slumber. "Everyone wake up there is people outside, Get up I think we could be in trouble…. Hurry get your weapons!" whispered Zerit. Lix was equipped with his sword ready to attack with his golden greaves on so if aimed at his face he could protect himself with the greaves, Ren with her staff and sword so that she can attack with her sword and cast a spell to scare them away and so was Eris ready with his swords holding them one above him and holding the other sword in a position to cut someone if they attack from the waist down. Zerit holding a arrow and his bow as steady as he could as he holds his breath to get a better aim and view with his legs spread apart to get a better stance.
"Everyone I hear them coming in get ready!" whispered Zerit. Turning the corner all everyone could see was 4 people coming in with weapons already at hand. Who are you and what do you come here for?" yelled Ren. "We are Hokage and we can't tell you more or we will have to face a cruel punishment." Said the stranger. "Hokage is that so then why can't you tell us are you from the city of Melodies?" Yelled Lix. "Are you, answer me?" yelled Lix again. "Yes we are and to get more information from us you have to defeat us." Said the stranger.
"Ok we will face your test but you have to promise you will tell us if we win." Said Eris. We of the Hokage will keep our promise then lets fight." Said the stranger
Chapter 6
Fighting for the information needed
Running frantically at the stranger Eris attacked with his sword to only have it stopped by another and while he had the chance attacked with the other sword again only to be stopped. Zerit letting go of the arrow and letting it fly through everyone but the target. Shot at the chest from the arrow one of the strangers pull up their shirt to only see a chest plate protecting him. Finding out about this little problem Zerit lets go of the bow and rushes out to attack with a sword in his hand. Stabbing the stranger in his leg Zerit feeling satisfied meaning that he took one of the strangers and one of them won't be able to battle. Ren having trouble with the leader of the group trying to cast a spell to paralyze him for a moment but is having trouble trying to sing out the spell. While she is about to finish the spell blood is flowing out of the place no one wants to get hurt and that is the stomach not knowing what to do all she does is fall down on her back and try to heal her wounds. Ren being down means that it is a even fight again. Eris fighting with swords as a twin blade is suppose to fight finally get a opening the armor and stabs both swords in the man and letting him fall back softly but gives him herbs to heal his wound. Lix attacking with full might his man down quickly and the leader of the Hokage forfeit the match and decided to tell what he knew.
Chapter 7
City of Melodies and what lies ahead?
Wind rising, speeds faster and faster not a single person is in sight. A footstep on trees only for seconds as if a stick is hitting the trunk every 2 seconds. Shadows disappearing and appearing every once in a while. Traveling at such high speeds nothing could stop such a beast. Hokage and our heroes are on their way from the mountain to the city of Melodies what will happen next.
"Look out where you are going Zerit." Said Ren. Two days have passed since the group's trek up and down the mountain. Hokage still helping Zerit and his team to the City Of Melodies. Everyone eager to arrive at the city are wondering what the city might be like, will the people act nice to strangers, and what type of item are they going after. "We will be arriving in awhile so be on your toes once we are in shooting range we will be attacked to see if we are worthy to enter." Said Hokage in a unison. Ever since our heroes been with Hokage they found out something and that something is that they always talk in a unison (group). As this discussion went on the group started approaching the City of Melodies. Once they saw the gates of the south entrance they know they were being watched and could get attacked at any moment. With everyone with their swords out and bows everyone walk cautious. Walking as fast as they could to the entrance nothing was happening and everyone started to think they were getting lucky. Once everyone got to the entrance they went in to the city.
No one nothing, streets left empty, shops closed down what has become of this city. "What happened here, were all the men and women?" Said Zerit. " I don't know Zerit but we have to find them for once we find them we will be able to get you your item that you seek to come here, to this one city. They looked from street to street and from ally to ally. They traveled from Rome to the City of Melodies and find nothing with that they felt complete disappointment. Once everyone sat down to rest everyone heard a loud shout of cheering. Running to the spot they were heard this loud amount of cheering with the direction of the sound it's coming from. In front of them was a huge coliseum and massive amounts of yelling. Entering the stadium with wonder everyone run inside.
Inside the stadium was the fans and a group of 3 fighting another group of 3 and what they saw startled them. At that instant Zerit collapsed.
"Zerit get up this is Zeus to tell you what you have to do next." "Zerit you have made it this far with a couple of friends now is the time for you face your first trial. You are to enter this tournament which is held he every year. The grand prize is the shield of the Gods. It can deflect anything it gets hit with. Now go in that tournament and win and come back alive with the shield of the Gods." Said Zeus. "Zeus what is so important about this shield why do I have to retrieve it." Said Zerit. "You have to get this shield for once I have it back in my hand then the gods could go and give this shield to our friend down on earth. He is to face one of the toughest monsters and her name is Medusa. She could change people into stones if they look into her eyes. This shield is the only shield that could kill her so now go win that shield." Said Zeus.
Chapter 8
Let the tournament begin or shall it?
Waking up from his sudden collapse Zerit tells everyone of what Zeus said to him. Once everyone got this news they went straight to the stadium and entered the contest. Now that they were in all they got to do is win 3 rounds. 2 of those rounds being semi-finals and finals.
Now that everyone has entered everyone was getting ready for their fight. Only one of the team members have to sit out because now they are not fighting for the shield anymore they are fighting to keep Ren. One of the rules of the tournament is that to enter you have to give up something that is unique and special to your team but the only way to win that item or person back is by winning the finals. Ren devoted herself to help the group in anyway so she gave herself up for the group to enter and now everyone has to fight not only for the Gods but for Ren.
Waiting eagerly at the gates to the stadium Zerit, Lix, and Eris got ready to make their entrance. Scared of what is to become of them and who they shall fight they each encourage each other. A couple of minutes pass by and they enter the stadium to see a massive amount of people sitting in the stands cheering. Once Team Zerit was out the upcoming team came out they were called Team Gotar. Three men came out all dress in black and having a black veil in front of their faces like a ninja. The ref came out and told everyone last one of them everything is allowed to win so from breaking every bone left in their body to stabbing a person to death. Now Team Zerit got all their swords out again just like in the mountain. So did Team Gotar.
"FIGHT" Said the Ref.
As soon as he said that Zerit ran up to one of Team Gotar his name is Hades, and the other two were named Helios and Heracles. Eris fighting Helios and Lix fighting Heracles. Zerit taking Hades on as his opponent. Attacking with his sword wildly with no interest in what he was doing. Slashing and dicing but none of his hits did anything. All of those slashes were blocked and Zerit wasn't feeling any better at the sword too. Eris slashing away with one of his swords at Helios and the other waiting for a good moment to attack with his guard down. Lix standing and blocking every move done to him by Heracles. Stronger then Lix thought Heracles got Lix to drop his sword away from him. Eris seeing this threw his sword at Lix to catch while he tries to reach his other sword. Fighting search hard opponents at the first round means that this fight will not be easy. Thinking about how hard these three men means that the rest of the rounds will be harder then the first. Lix using the only sword he has, cuts Heracles on the arm making him to drop his sword to the ground. Once Lix got Heracles guard down he rushed side to side and dodge a punch to the face and then stabbed the sword deep in the heart. Slowly taking out the sword and walking towards the sharp arm long sword he dropped. Eris now completely losing all strength from all the blows he is taking waiting for Lix to finish his battle so he can get his swords to fight for he is not trained in one handed sword battles. Once Lix saw that Eris was having trouble with Helios.
Feeling that attacking Helios while he is attacking Eris is a unfair fight he throws one sword over him to give to Eris. While he was throwing the sword over Helios he distracted him by kicking him on the back. When Helios turns around he swung his sword down and Lix blocked the attack with his sword and while Helios was turned around, Lix ran on his back and jumped off him and stabbed him near his heart. Helios went down and Lix and Eris felt as a true team.
Now Zerit was facing the toughest fight he could think of he never thought his opponent was going to be the toughest of Team Gotar. Now Eris and Lix being really tried and can't get up from their fight. Zerit slashing down and side to side none of his hits were reaching Hades. The last thing he wanted to do was lose all his energy. So he went to a side to rest for a little bit but every time he went to rest Hades would attack. Now when Zerit was attacking for the about 50th time he slashed across and Hades and hit his sword and knocked him down. Is it the end of my life, is the journey I was suspose to do done for nothing Zerit thought to himself. Hades was about to enjoy himself in his fine kill and took his sword and stabbed down. Zerit seeing what he was about to do he thought that was going to be the last thing he was going to see but when he looked up he saw, Lix and Eris wearing one of Lix's golden greaves on each of them. He was brought with happiness how his friends would just put themselves in danger to save him. "Now Zerit kill him we need to win, we can't lose, we are doing this for the Gods but more importantly for Ren and ourselves, Now kill him NOW!" said Lix. Zerit getting up as quick as he can and stabbed Hades in the arm so he won't be able to attack back and then in the heart and ended up winning the first round of the tournament. No one would of thought that Team Zerit would of won but he did and now Ren came out and hugged them. They fought well but the worst is yet to come.
Chapter 9
Is this a fight or not?
Now after the first round all the tournament members get a week of rest and healing of wounds. Which is provided by the town for such a great show. Well a week has past since the first fight and Zerit and the others were beginning to like the idea of fighting for a purpose such as for the Gods not for a childish act as like revenge. None of them want to go back to the old lives they had but they knew that their adventure was coming to a end. So all of them got together and starting thinking and talking but they know two more fights and they have to come up with a decesion.
Now today they have to go to the stadium to check their next line up. Once they got there they check and the next group was called Team Cobra. They made it to the semi-finals without a problem was what they heard but they didn't think what was about to help was going to happen.
As both teams were getting ready to fight they got to met team Cobra and talk. They knew they would either have to kill each other but they didn't want to face that so they know they had two choices. One is to fight and the other option is to forfeit but neither of them want to do either but they know lots of emotions would now get mixed in since they met and had a friendly convenstion. It is the worst thing to do which is to become friends with your oppanent right before the fight.
The time has come and now everyone is coming out Team Cobra and Team Zerit is out and they look at each other to see before the fight started if there is any other way to settle this meaning less fight. Now the Ref came out and the fight was about to start.
FIGHT said the Ref again
Nither of them moved so Zerit moved up to face the team but before Zerit could do anything Team Cobra raised their hands and said, " We forfeit we can not handle killing a fellow team who deserves to go to the finals." The ref said, "Are you sure you know that once you say you quit you can't go back if so Alright I declare Team Cobra disqualified." With shock Zerit, Lix, and Eris felt just like their hearts needed to be ripped out and thrown to the ground. They knew that Team Cobra trained for this one tournament for the longest time and now they are going to the finals without not doing nothing. They felt lower then anything cold bring them to for they made a fellow team disqualified but also they can't prove that they will be ok in the next round.
"Is giving up a round for us really worth anything why could someone do such a thing well even if a person does that, that shows greats of courage to do so."
Chapter 10
Juicy Nuggets
A week has past since the last round that was not really anything since of the last minute forfeit by Team Cobra. Team Zerit got a extra week of rest but they know they can't get to used to the resting for the finals were the next day and they didn't win the semi's but fighting, but from mere luck. The only thing is to wait and try to win the next day.
At the stadium Zerit checked the list for the tournament and saw the next Team was call The Great White Hopes. They were known to be the champions of this tournament and have not lost one round before. They are the unbeatable team, which is why they are called The Great White Hopes. So the next thing to do is wait for the match to and see who wins this one.
Behind the gates of the entrance to the stadium Zerit, Lix, and Eris where ready they knew they were going to face death or at least close to it. No one could stop them if they put themselves in a team. They were informed of the other team's names' and they were Tar, Ra, and laz They were the toughest fighters from this city and they aren't ready to lose.
Once both teams entered the Ref started the fight and all was said to be history. Zerit the leader had Lix, and Eris block the pathway to Zerit and when Zerit told them to duck he would shoot a arrow to the leader. Once he stringed his bow all the way back he let go and yelled duck and to surprise. The arrow hit nothing instead it was in the hand of Tar. Shocked at what speed they can catch and think is unbelievable. Then completely defenseless Lix was stabbed in the back with the arrow. Falling down with great pain Eris grabbed Lix and ran to the side to have him taken out. Zerit by himself for the time being takes out his sword and starts fighting the beastly men. Swinging and dodging most of the swings he took, he was able to hit and take down Ra. He took him down not by mere luck but by cutting his arms and legs until they were to weak to even pick up a sword. It was amazing how fast Zerit did this. After the first round of heavy fighting he knew that the only way to win is to make sure that the opponent can't pick up his sword or get up so that is what he did.
Now Eris coming back from Lix being taken out grabs both swords and runs towards Laz and with Laz not expecting this takes both his swords and knocks him over and knocks him unconscious by using the end of his sword and hitting his stomach and knocking the air out of him. Now the only person left is Tar. Being thrown in a mad frenzy without no concern of what he is planning to do. Charges straight at Eris and knocks him on his head at this moment Zerit saw a opening for a attack. Running as fast as he could towards Tar he tackles him down into the ground with Tar hitting him so hard that he was left unconscious and won't be getting back up for at least a while.
With a team member down Zerit and Eris win this round as easy as it started and faster then last time. Feeling proud of themselves they ran up to the winners stand and receive the shield of the Gods. "Zerit you know after we deliver this shield everything will turn back to normal?" said Eris "Yes, I know that but I can't help it, it is something I must do." Said Zerit. Not one person could handle such a task knowing that would harm friends and change you to a beast of war and adventure.
Chapter 11
The final Trip
Now a week has past and Lix has recovered from the almost fatal blow with the arrow. Ren has returned from the stadium receiving a prize too for offering herself as one of the prizes. Hokage came and met Zerit and his friends before they left the city and return to their old lives. "It was a great time knowing you friend and see you again next year." Said Hokage. "Next year what do you mean?" said Zerit. "Now that you are the new champions you have to come back and fight next year." Said Hokage. "Ok then see you next year again friend." Said Zerit and with that they left the city behind only to see it again in the future.
Upon the return to Rome the night before they arrived. Zerrit and friends camped out that night in the forest and that night Zeus came to him to receive the shield of the Gods. Now that his quest has finished all he has to do is wait for his next adventure whenever that is. Rome the same streets and same people now Zerit can rest in peace with no worry but will that be the end of his adventure.
The End for Now
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tell me what you thought(r) by Juan Martintez no use if i find anyone took my paper you are done for
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Hey it's Juany i haven't been up to much lately but here is some pictures of some stuff i been doing leave comments to tell me if you want to hear the full story of the pictures then maybe i will write it up

by the way i am the one of the left with the black jacket this is at worship conference just telling you
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
So today i got back from a Camping trip.
It was at Santa Cruz island and it happened to be one of the best camping trips ever.
So first when i arrived on the island with my friends we had to get our stuff from the pier to the camping site which was like a mile away it sucked carrying all of it but it was a great experience. So we finished that and got camp set up and we went on a hike to get a good evening work out. So we walked from our camp site to the top of a mountain hill thing and it was kind of steep. So we climbed it and we were on the way of a good hike. So on our way i almost fell on a rock that was in the way and i am guessing that the walkie talkie in my pocket fell and i knew after i was called and i didn't hear anything. My friend said he called me so i knew something happened. I went back down further so i can try and find and all of my friends said that they were getting tried of waiting and were going ahead and thought i would catch up so they left without telling me. I gave up looking and went back up and noticed that they where gone and i didn't know which way they where going. I started walking on the mountain hill thing and notice that there was these long sticks kinda bent and i saw a fence broken and i know they bent those sticks. Now the broken fence i was thinking if i was them i would go over it and see what was behind it. I yelled their names and see if i would get a response. I yelled and yelled till i got tried and then i thought i saw someone so i started running toward that person. I ran and when i got to the spot i yelled their names and i heard responses. Over the hill i saw them all resting under trees and they were ready to go again till they saw me. I ran hard and fell down and rolled down a bit and got up again and ran. I reached them and said that they thought i was like Moses for i had a staff i brought and walked kinda tried and i was just on top of a hill.
As i met them again they were laughing and asked me how did i find them. I told them what i thought was the right way. So we hiked more and got to a edge where you could see almost both sides of the island. We were amazed how much we hiked and how the land looked. It was like in the movie the lord of the rings it was like the land there and it seemed like we were in New Zealand. I found all of it fun. After a bit of resting we remembered that we saw a cave on our way to the camp site on a part of the mountain. So we went out to search for it and ended up split up again. We had a group leave by themselves and i got lost from the group for waiting for a guy to rest. The rest ended up finding the cave and we didn't notice that they left to the right of us. Me and my friend ended up sliding down the mountain and get back to camp and saw our whole crew there just sitting there.
That was day one and on day two we did the same and more but we hiked longer.
Now today the 3rd day we were packing up and stuff and we got on the boat when our boat had a electric problem and had to call up for a back up boat. We had to wait and see if they could fix it and it seemed that a hour and a half passed and then the back up boat came. We all got into the boat and packed our gear in the boat and got ourselves ready to leave. The rest of the boat ride was crazy just fog everywhere and then no place to sit. We had lots of complaining from some passengers. It would of seemed that we were never going to reach shore when we happened to 5 minutes later after i thought that. That was basically the camping trip and neither of us regretted the trip it was totally worth it. We all learned how to respect what we got in our lives and how big things simple things do for us. It is amazing what camping can do to you and what it makes you think of life. It shows more than just a fun time but some true life motives.
Oh yea for the guys reading this that went on the camping trip remember P:5 and the fox we almost caught there. lol
Ok everyone that's all for now.
Juany signing out of here and swimming to towns
Hope i could bring more stories
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
It was the greatest thing i saw i got a free cd and my friend Dommic Balli played and we hope he is advancing to the finals some time soon. Well basically it all started when the Reality crew decieded to go to our friend Dommic balli show and i didn't know it was going to be battle of the bands. So it was like a 3 hour ride or felt like a 3 hour ride for we didn't go straight to the place we had some stops middle of nowhere. So we arrived at universal city the place outside universal studios. We got about 3 hours before the show started. We got to there and wondered around for the 3 hours. I ran through one of those fountains that spit out water under you. I got super wet and i took some of my time to find some new clothes to buy so i can wait for my normals to dry. I didn't find any. We later went on this one nascar sim that you drive with in a car that has the feeling of riding in a nascar. We didn't want to try to win all we wanted to do was crash into each other. We spent a good 30 minutes in there.
Now it was time to go check out the show so we went up to bbkings and we had some problems getting in te place. we eventually got in and we had some fun time till our friend got up on stage. When Dommic got up we cheered him on. We cheered him for at least his whole playing time. After awhile we had to leave because it was getting late but it was sick there was another band that play like hardcore music and they would spin their hair like crazy and had like a guest come up i think but watever it was fun.
for now this is all i got so
Juany rocking out of this place till next time
Monday, March 19, 2007
Juany signing out
5:43 P.M.
March 19,2007
I finally got the pictures done so check it out

Monday, March 12, 2007
1. Visit to Westmont College to visit the greatest Chris Targoni
2. The gang might skitle ski some people at the camp site sometime it's been a long time since we did that.
3. I will put up some work i been doing such as poems i had to write for english class the reason why i might put it on is because i feel like it
4. I am going to put up pictures i took with my holga my great looks like a toy camera. All the pictures i have taken are of different thing friends, family, me in the morining, or around my town so look forword to that soon.
For now that is all i can think of so i will put some more up later.
-Band of brothers together-