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ok this post i am about to put up is pretty old but i have been pretty busy with winter break and all. Ok so on the first day of winter break which was December 15 there was high school girls sleepover in SB moutains. So us guys decieded to mess up their sleepover like they did to us oh yea i forgot to say last high school guys sleepover they floured us so we need some revenge. So us guys were doing everything normal we were watching a movie before we went and when time came to get ready we over did it. For example we were planning to wear face paint only on our faces but we got 2 guys who did their whole body. So it was about a 9 man team. We all went to the girls house that they were suspose to be so we got out of our cars about like on top of a hill. We never been to this house before so we had to find the right one. We found it but going down the hill was hard because the hill we went down through is a one road and like barly any cover. So at first we saw a car coming and i ran for a bush but at the bottom there wasn't any soil or land and i feel down and then another bush held me up from falling all the way down. It was freaky since i didn't see a thing cause it super dark. So going down the hill we saw the house we were aiming for and first thing that was in our way was a light that stayed on outside the house. So we got on our stomachs on the floor and waited behind bushes and then we sent 2 of our main leaders out to try and make the light go off. They were sent out to find out how to turn it off but there was no use it didn't go off so we made each guy go 1 by 1 cause to much footsteps being heard wasn't a good idea. So we made to a car that blocked the light and then we were in pure darkness again till when we were going down a road to the back a light turn on. So we found a crek and send a team down and we saw a side of the house we could get in by. So i was on the team on the side of the house cause to many people went down the creak. The only bad thing being on that team was there were windows that we had to be careful of cause things could turn on and we be found out. Also the creak team had a important mission we couldn't go on with without them taking out a light bulb to go to the back of the house without being seen. The thing is the girls caught on and turned the light on and we had another probelm. But the creak team went out and took the light out and then us the side team went out of hiding climbed a thing up into a balcony. we got a hose and then scared the girls but that wasn't all. Neighbors started yelling at us but didn't do nothing so we were ready for anything to happen. So after a few minutes of hiding again. One of the girls Zoey opened the door to check if we were gone and then waiting next to the door at least one of us waiting we grabbed here got a bag of flour we bought and dumped it on her like they did to us. I was holding a water gun we found and we filled and i used it on her back. Then we let go of her as a warning to the others. After letting her go they had to open the door to let her in. which was a bad idea cause we then knocked the door open and grabbed 3 more girls and floured them to. In the end we got about 5 or more of them i don't know but i know we were pretty good also the girls wanted us to clean up but they didn't clean up the mess they made on us so we left about flour everywhere on the front of the house on the deck and in the backyard and sides. Also i forgot to mention we did a trick like we said we got the girl zoey and we were running away and another girl lisa thought it was really zoey but it wasn't it was a guy just pretending and we grabbed lisa and floured her too. In the end nothing is way to big for us guys
Also known as squirrel unit.
or i think we are known like that or band of brothers brothers in arms so yea. That's wat happened on December 15.
Well since then things are going great and everything oh yea Merry Christmas
Celebrate the lord's birth
p.s. Brothers in Arms